Pollutant is the worse thing for environment it will make the no fresh air and being contaminated by chemical substances that produced by the manufacturer, motorcycle or car.
Pollution that occurred in Jakarta
caused by factories, cars and motorcycles. Vehicles population in Jakarta is a
lot and cause traffic jam every day. Whereas if you are stuck in a jam, in the
exhaust gas by the vehicle being stuck throw far more than when the vehicle is
running normally. Pollution is adversely affecting the environment. In addition
to vehicle pollution is also caused by circumstances that many factories in
Indonesia and less green plants therefore not balanced by pollution that
occurred in Indonesia.
How to tackle pollution by planting
trees and take care of him, taking vehicles as efficiently as possible aiming
to not add to air pollution and use public transport which is provided by the
state, following the go green program such as planting trees, cycling or
walking. So by these kinds of methods it will help to reduce pollution in
Jakarta (Anneahira, n/d).
n/d. Cara Mengatasi Pencemaran Udara. Last accessed April 3, 2013. From:
so true
BalasHapusgreat :)