Crime is an act, which is not good or
rather wrong. Crime can make people died, injured, lost even traumatized. Crime
is often the case these days in jakarta is rape.
Rape in Jakarta most common is among
teenagers such as the incidence of a young woman was raped at the age to 13
years, the suspect knew through Facebook and make a decision to meet somewhere
and then invited to the residence of the suspect. She slept with a suspect
named Ryan and no violence between them, even though the victim is
forced to undress but she refused, but the next day after hanging out with my
friends Ryan, the victim is forced to drink alcohol and cause the victim to
lose consciousness. Victim lost consciousness after he was taken to the
residence of Ryan and there are 10 other people and the victim did not know her
anymore. This incident occurred in East Java (More, 2013).
Through the facts and the above story
assures us that the many incidents of rape of young children in various cities
and regions, so we have to be ready and alert to the people we meet, people who
barely know.
2013. Ini Kronologi Remaja Korban Pemerkosaan Teman Facebook. Last accessed
April 3, 2013. From:
The girl should be lucky if the writer means the rapist is Ryan Seacrest ;)
BalasHapus好難過 :(
BalasHapus希望雅加達會更好 :)